超音波医学会専門医。腎尿管結石・前立腺癌・肥大症の診断が得意です。 膀胱炎・尿道炎・男子不妊症では、院長自身が顕微鏡検査(尿・精液)を行います。 ここは、院長ブログの原稿倉庫です。
1 Thea Veitonmäki 45 11:00-11:06 PROSTATE Prostate cancer risk among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug users in the Finnish Prostate Cancer Screening Trial
2 Peter Klarskov 46 11:06-11:12 PROSTATE Genetic defects and prostate cancer – Results from an international consortium
3 Birte Engvad 47 11:12-11:18 PROSTATE Influence of step sections on lymph node status in prostate cancer patients
4 Yngve Nygård 48 11:18-11:24 PROSTATE A positive RTE is an independent marker for detection of high-risk prostate cancer
5 Frode Willoch 49 11:24-11:30 PROSTATE A new tracer with new applications, or the same old story? Prostate cancer imaging using FACBC PET-CT
6 Bjørn Brennhovd 50 11:30-11:36 PROSTATE Selection of patients with prostate cancer for metastasis surgery after advanced diagnostics using FACBC PET/CT and MRI: A retrospective analysis of 13 patients
7 Lars Boesen 51 11:36-11:42 PROSTATE Multiparametric MRI for detection of prostate cancer before repeated biopsy
8 Erik Rud 52 11:42-11:48 PROSTATE Excellent detection rate of the index tumor in prostate cancer using T2- and diffusion weighted MRI
9 Kasper Drimer Berg 53 11:48-11:54 PROSTATE Primary Gleason pattern in biopsy Gleason score 7 is predictive of adverse histopathological features and biochemical failure following radical prostatectomy
生検でのグリーソンスコア7は前立腺全摘後のPSA Failureの予測因子。
10 Frederik Birkebæk Thomsen 54 11:54-12:00 PROSTATE Is PSA doubling time after one year on active surveillance