超音波医学会専門医。腎尿管結石・前立腺癌・肥大症の診断が得意です。 膀胱炎・尿道炎・男子不妊症では、院長自身が顕微鏡検査(尿・精液)を行います。 ここは、院長ブログの原稿倉庫です。
1日目は、朝のシンポジウムを聞いたら、あとは16時からのこのポスターセッションを聞くだけ。 10時から16時まで、学会場近くで、何か見に行ける所があるかな。
1 Kim Hovgaard Andreassen 25 16:00-16:06 PROSTATE Sexual function before and 6 months after monopolar transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)
2 Silje Gill 26 16:06-16:12 PROSTATE Early experience with MRI as a modality for following men with prostate cancer under Active Surveillance
3 Konstantinos Lentaris 27 16:12-16:18 PROSTATE Surgeon factor is the most important factor when comparing urinary incontinence after different types of radical prostatectomy
4 Mikkel Fode 28 16:18-16:24 PROSTATE Treatment effect of PDE5-inhibitors may improve with time following radical prostatectomy
5 Mikkel Fode 29 16:24-16:30 PROSTATE Short term penile vibratory stimulation in the preservation and restoration of urinary continence and erectile function in conjunction with nerve sparing radical prostatectomy
6 Torben Kjaer Nielsen 30 16:30-16:36 PROSTATE The influence of androgen deprivation therapy on health-related quality of life after Intensity modulated radiation therapy: A cross-sectional survey in prostate cancer survivors
7 Karin Sebakk 31 16:36-16:42 PROSTATE A Multidisciplinary Prostate-Center-Model – does it make a difference?
8 Mikkel Fode 32 16:42-16:48 PROSTATE Preferred treatment frequency in patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy for advanced prostate cancer
9 Kasper Drimer Berg 33 16:48-16:54 PROSTATE Early biochemical survival-, continence-, and potency- (SCP) outcomes following robot-assisted radical prostatectomy in a Danish cohort of patients