超音波医学会専門医。腎尿管結石・前立腺癌・肥大症の診断が得意です。 膀胱炎・尿道炎・男子不妊症では、院長自身が顕微鏡検査(尿・精液)を行います。 ここは、院長ブログの原稿倉庫です。
2009年の8月に国際超音波医学会に出席して以来の国際学会出席です。 なぜ国際泌尿器科学会でも、欧州泌尿器科学会でも、米国泌尿器科学会でもなくて、スカンジナビア泌尿器科学会なのか。
PictI’m an office urologist, and am the only doctor in my clinic. So, when I take holyday, my clinic must be closed.
In Japan, many clinics take summer vacation in August, so, patients well know that clinics are closed often in August.
Years ago, I took vacation in April to attend Japanese urological congress. Many patients came to my clinic and found the entrance door was locked.
Next week, they came to me, and claimed. “Hey, Doctor. Last week I visited here, but the door was closed.”
This occurs in spring or autumn, even though the announcement about the holyday was repeated. Only in August, patients check whether clinic is open or closed by telephone, before coming directly.
So, to take long vacation to go abroad, August is best. This is one of the reason why I attend NUF2013.