超音波医学会専門医。腎尿管結石・前立腺癌・肥大症の診断が得意です。 膀胱炎・尿道炎・男子不妊症では、院長自身が顕微鏡検査(尿・精液)を行います。 ここは、院長ブログの原稿倉庫です。
事務局代表のDr. Sven Löffelerによれば、 You're the participants that have the longest journey.
2011年の懇親会はこんな感じらしいです。 きっと我々夫婦は目立つでしょう。 立食なら食べ物を取りながら、流離っていればいいですが、 着席のCongress dinnerでは英語で懇親しなければならないでしょう。
Today, I write my blog in English, because thinking in English is necessary when you talk with foreigner frankly.
Q and A.
Yes, we are from Japan. NUF(Scandinavian urological association) is familiar for me, because I once attended this meeting in 1999 at Reykjavik, Iceland.
I’m very inspired by your statistics concerning prostatic cancer like Goeteborg study, which demonstrated 293 PSA screening reduce one prostatic cancer death.
In Japan, there is no national identity number system. So, if patients don't revisit my clinic, there is no means to know whether their disease is cured or they just changed doctor.